[ Prices ]

Furry/Animal Headshots

Base Price: $15

Extra Character: +$10
Decorated Background: +$3-$10 Depending on complexity
(I don't do scenes)
Doodles, like stars, hearts, spirals, etc, are optional and free.

Humanoid Busts/Halfbodies

Base Price:
Bust (Shoulders & up): $40
Halfbody (Waist & up): $50

Complex Characters: +$10-15
Extra Character: +$35
NSFW: +$10-15
Decorated Background: +$3-$10 Depending on complexity
(I don't do scenes)
Doodles, like stars, hearts, spirals, etc, are optional and free.

[ Customs ]

Status: Closed

Custom on Pre-made Lineart:
Simple Design: $20
Moderate Complexity: $25
Complex: $30

Custom with Custom Lineart:
Simple Design: $30
Moderate Complexity: $40
Complex: $50

Color Palette: Free
Headshot: +$10 Each
Accessories: +$5 Each (Simple Piercings Free)

[ Terms of Service ]

Commissioning Rules

I will draw:
Most animals
(Humans, Elves, Tieflings, Goblins, etc.)
Humanoid NSFW
Light or Mild Gore
I will NOT draw:
Humanoid Fullbodies
Extreme Gore
Anything containing bigotry or hate.
I have a right to refuse any commission or service.

Commissioning and Receiving Art

As a commissioner, you have full rights to any art that you get from me. The same goes for gifted art and art trades.Keep in mind that it is highly possible that, if I am significantly proud of the work I have done for you, I may use the art I have made to provide examples for future commissioners. This is not me claiming any rights to your characters, simply the art I made. If you don’t want your commission used in this way, please ask, and I’ll respect your wishes.You have NO permission to trace, copy, reference, or take credit for my art.• Payment & RefundsMy payment methods are Paypal, Venmo, and Cashapp.
⚠️If you are ordering NSFW, I will ONLY accept payment through Venmo or Cashapp, as Paypal has a policy and acts against the sale of NSFW content on its platform if discovered.⚠️
I will take payments at the time that a sketch is approved.If you decide that you are unsatisfied with the direction the art is going and/or simply want a refund, a full refund is entirely possible until lineart is finished. If you decide you no longer want my services after linework has been completed and I have moved on to the next steps, the time I have spent on it is not refundable, but you will still receive half of a refund.• Commission TimesMy commissions generally can take anywhere from a day to a month to complete/work up the motivation to complete, but in especially bad times, might take up to 2 months. I will update you often if the time it takes me to complete art is greater than a week.Please keep in mind that I am a young mentally ill adult with low energy levels. Please do not ask about a commission's progress until at least a week after the initial commission date.

Purchasing Character Designs

If you have received a character designed or co-designed by me, whether by gift, trade, buying (from me, the other creator, or someone selling their characters), you have rights to use the design how you please, and may mildly alter the design. You may NOT -
•Copy the design
•Steal the design
•Take credit for the design
•Alter/edit the design beyond recognition
•Sell the character for more than you got it for UNLESS it has other art accompanying it.
This passes down to each person who may receive the design through time.
By Commissioning me or buying a design from me, you are agreeing to these Terms.

[ Extras ]

Sales and Discounts
20% on Adopts

